
Duke, a personal chatbot assistant written in Java. Individual project for CS2103 Software Engineering AY2019/2020 Semester 1.

Project maintained by jessicax941 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

User Guide


1. Display help

Display the help page.

2. Add a task

Add a task that is either a Todo, Deadline or Event with a given description. If it is a Deadline or Event task, it is created with the given due date and time or event date and time respectively.

3. Mark a task as done

Mark an existing task as done, i.e. completed. The cross mark (x) for the task is changed to a check mark (✓).

4. Delete a task

Delete an existing task from the task list.

5. Find tasks using keywords

Find a task or certain tasks using given keyword(s).

6. Display the task list

Display the full list of tasks.


‘help’ - Displays the help page

Displays the help page.

Format: help

‘todo’ - Adds a Todo task

Adds a Todo task with a description of the task to the task list.

Format: todo <description>

Example of usage:

todo borrow book

Expected outcome:

okie! i added this task:
    [T][x] borrow book
now u haf 1 task in the list

‘deadline’ - Adds a Deadline task

Adds a Deadline task with a description of the task and the due date and time to the tasks list.

Date and time has to be in the following format: “d/m/yyyy HHmm”. Time is in 24-hour format.

Format: deadline <description> /by <date and time>

Example of usage:

deadline 2030 lab assignment /by 20/9/2019 2359

Expected outcome:

okie! i added this task: 
    [D][x] 2030 lab assignment (by: 20/9/2019 2359)
now u haf 2 tasks in the list

‘event’ - Adds an Event task

Adds an Event task with a description of the task and the event date and time to the tasks list.

Date and time has to be in the following format: “d/m/yyyy HHmm”. Time is in 24-hour format.

Format: event <description> /at <date and time>

Example of usage:

event 2103 project meeting /at 18/19/2019 1000

Expected outcome:

okie! i added this task:
    [E][x] project meeting (at: 18/19/2019 1000)
now u haf 3 tasks in the list

‘done’ - Marks a task as done

Marks an existing task as done, i.e. changes the cross mark (x) to a check mark (✓).

Format: done <task number>

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

naisu! i marked this task as done:
    [T][✓] borrow book

‘delete’ - Deletes a task from the tasks list

Deletes an existing task from the tasks list.

Format: delete <task number>

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

okie! i delete this task:
    [T][✓] borrow book
now u haf 2 tasks in the list

‘find’ - Finds a task or certain tasks from the tasks list

Finds a task or certain tasks from the task list.

Format: find <keyword(s)>

Example of usage:

find book

Expected outcome:

here ya go, the matchy-matchy tasks in ur list: 
    1. [T][x] borrow book 
    2. [T][x] read book

Another example of usage: (multiple keywords)

find borrow book

Expected outcome:

here ya go, the matchy-matchy tasks in ur list: 
    1. [T][x] borrow book

‘list’ - Displays the full list of tasks

Displays the full list of tasks.

Format: list

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

here ya go, the tasks in ur list: 
    1. [T][x] borrow book 
    2. [D][x] 2030 lab assignment (by: 20/9/2019 2359) 
    3. [E][x] project meeting (at: 18/19/2019 1000)